Introducing \(\chi^2\)

Ex: Diversity at Reed

  • In terms of ethnic diversity, does the first year student body differ from the general population of Oregon?

The Data

Ethnicity Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Reed count 46 31 42 258 35 412
Oregon proportion .043 .02 .125 .77 .042 1

If the students at Reed were drawn from a population with these proportions, how many counts would we expect in each group?

\[\textrm{exp. count} = n \times p_i\]

The Data

Ethnicity Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Obs. data 46 31 42 258 35 412
Exp. counts 17.716 8.24 51.5 317.24 17.304 412

  • Some sampling variability is expected, but how far from expected is too far?

Simulating Oregonian Reedies

n <- 412
p <- c(.043, .02, .125, .77, .042)
samp <- sample(c("asian", "black", "hispanic", "white", "other"), 
       size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = p)
## samp
##    asian    black hispanic    other    white 
##       16       10       45       17      324
obs <- c(46, 31, 42, 258, 35)

Simulating Oregonian Reedies…AGAIN

obs <- c(46, 31, 42, 258, 35)
samp <- sample(c("asian", "black", "hispanic", "white", "other"), 
       size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = p)
## samp
##    asian    black hispanic    other    white 
##       12        4       42       18      336
samp <- sample(c("asian", "black", "hispanic", "white", "other"), 
       size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = p)
## samp
##    asian    black hispanic    other    white 
##       22        7       57       18      308

Inference on many \(p\)'s

We could do a tests/CIs on \(p_{reed} - p_{oregon}\) for each group, however:

  • A better (more powerful) test is one that tests for a difference in the two distributions — not just pairwise comparisons.
  • Beware of multiple comparisons!

xkcd link

Creating a statistic

For each of \(k\) categories:

  1. Calculate the difference between observed and expected counts.
  2. Scale each difference by an estimate of the SE (\(\sqrt{exp}\)).
  3. Square the scaled difference to get rid of negatives.

Then add them all up.

\[\chi^2 = \sum_{i = 1}^k \frac{(obs - exp)^2}{exp}\]

Ethnicity Asian Black Hispanic White Other Total
Obs. data 46 31 42 258 35 412
Exp. counts 17.716 8.24 51.5 317.24 17.304 412

\[ Z_{asian}^2 = (46 - 17.7)^2/17.7 = 45.16 \\ Z_{black}^2 = (31 - 8.24)^2/8.24 = 62.8 \\ Z_{hispanic}^2 = (42 - 51.5)^2/51.5 = 1.75 \\ Z_{white}^2 = (258 - 317.24)^2/317.24 = 11.82 \\ Z_{other}^2 = (35 - 17.3)^2/17.3 = 18.11 \]

\[ Z_{asian}^2 + Z_{black}^2 + Z_{hispanic}^2 + Z_{white}^2 + Z_{other}^2 = 139.64 = \chi^2_{obs} \]

Simulating \(\chi^2\) under \(H_0\)

n <- 412
p <- c(.043, .02, .125, .042, .77)
chisqs <- rep(0, 1000)

for(i in 1:1000) {
  samp <- sample(c("asian", "black", "hispanic", "other", "white"), 
       size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = p)
  obs <- c(table(samp))
  chisqs[i] <- chisq.test(obs, correct = FALSE, p = p)$statistic

The null distribution

What is the probability of observing our data or more extreme (\(\chi^2 = 139.64\)) under the null hypothesis that Reedies share the same ethnicity proportions as Oregon?

About zero.

An alternate path to the null


  1. Independent observations
  2. Each cell count has a count \(\ge\) 5
  3. \(k \ge 3\)

then our statistic can be well-approximated by the \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(k - 1\) degrees of freedom.

The null distribution

1 - pchisq(139.64, df = 4)
## [1] 0