Learning Quote of the Day

Take Notes!

Tidy Data


Is this tidy?

## # A tibble: 96 × 13
##       country `1952` `1957` `1962` `1967` `1972` `1977` `1982` `1987`
##         <chr>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>
## 1     Albania     -9     -9     -9     -9     -9     -9     -9     -9
## 2   Argentina     -9     -1     -1     -9     -9     -9     -8      8
## 3     Armenia     -9     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7
## 4   Australia     10     10     10     10     10     10     10     10
## 5     Austria     10     10     10     10     10     10     10     10
## 6  Azerbaijan     -9     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7
## 7     Belarus     -9     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7     -7
## 8     Belgium     10     10     10     10     10     10     10     10
## 9      Bhutan    -10    -10    -10    -10    -10    -10    -10    -10
## 10    Bolivia     -4     -3     -3     -4     -7     -7      8      9
## # ... with 86 more rows, and 4 more variables: `1992` <int>, `1997` <int>,
## #   `2002` <int>, `2007` <int>

Beginning steps

Frequently the first thing you should do when given a dataset is to

  • check that the data is tidy,
  • identify the observational unit,
  • specify the variables, and
  • give the types of variables you are presented with.

This will help you with

  • choosing the appropriate plot,
  • summarizing the data, and
  • understanding which inferences can be applied.

What is Tidy Data?


  1. Each variable forms a column.
  2. Each observation forms a row.
  3. Each type of observational unit forms a table.

The third point means we don't mix apples and oranges, keep apples together with apples.

What is Tidy Data?

  1. Each observation forms a row. In other words, each row corresponds to a single observational unit
  2. Each variable forms a column:
    • Some of the variables may be used to identify the observational units. For organizational purposes, it's generally better to put these in the left-hand columns
    • Some of the variables may be observed values associated with each observational unit
  3. Each type of observational unit forms a table.

What is Tidy Data?

This is just a spreadsheet!

But we are very strict about the previous three rules.

nycflights13 Package

  • Loaded via library(nycflights13)

  • Contains information about all flights that departed from NYC (e.g. EWR, JFK and LGA) in 2013: 336,776 flights in total.

  • To help understand what causes delays, it also includes a number of other useful datasets:

    • weather: hourly meterological data for each airport
    • planes: construction information about each plane
    • airports: airport names and locations
    • airlines: translation between two letter carrier codes and names

All of these data frames are available for viewing here.

Work on Problem Set 2

Minute Paper

(Half sheet of paper is fine. Share with your neighbor.)

  • What are the three characteristics of tidy data?
  • Draw the DATA diagram that was presented on the board in all previous classes.